Please complete the submission form and email it to, along with 4 – 6 photos of your handmade goods, your process in action, or other images that showcase what you do. Preferably you will also include a photo of yourself, since you are the genius behind your work. Photos should be between 600px and 1000px wide. Please send in only crisp, clean, and well-lit photos.
Once your submission has been reviewed, we will be in contact within a week to let you know if you have selected to be featured and approximately when your feature will be posted. We want to feature everyone! However, we also want to show a wide variety, as well as a group of carefully curated creatives (say that ten times fast), who have a unique voice. If you use doilies in your creative process, you might not be a great fit for The Creative Wild. Unless you do something really fresh and cool with doilies. Then we want to see that.
Click here to download the submission form. We look forward to hearing from you!